Monday, August 3, 2009

you check 'em, I'm checkin' out

5. JOBS: over the years, i've had a variety of employment...

14-16 years old: lawn girl in the summers. hated it. got paid pretty well. Phil once made me drag a lawnmower a few blocks away while sitting in the trunk of the car.

at BYU: Old Navy for a summer, and a year at the BYU bookstore. I worked in the "twilight zone" (following in Les's footsteps) which was a little convenience store, and also the infamous candy counter. loved that job-got to see a ton of my friends everyday. everyone passed through the bookstore. I also delivered pizza for Brick Oven. yes, I've driven the yellow truck. I wore a bowtie and hat. I don't ever want to do that again.

I spent spring semester at home in Waco. I helped my friend Jenny reset the school supply aisle in many a HEB grocery store across Central Texas. This was definitely an adventure.

I was the sample lady at Costco for two Saturdays trying to peddle a kids' protein bar. I was filling in for a friend who was out of town. I didn't care for it but I had the highest sales out of all the Costcos that sampled it.

I also worked for a telemarketing company for one week. They told me I couldn't go on vacation with my family so I quit.

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