Friday, February 8, 2008

don't let the sun go down on me

So it's been snowing all week and it just really is getting old. The sun decided to shine today and it is soooo nice. It's been a pretty uneventful week. Last Friday night, a couple girlfriends and I went to the viewing of President Hinckley. I don't think we quite realized what we were in for. Two hours of the five hour wait (yes, you read that correctly) were in the frigid outside. After some emergency cups of hot chocolate and an emergency delivery of blankets (thank you to Joc's sister) we were able to manage. The crowds at the conference center were unbelievable. My favroite line of the evening was from Molly stated while we were coming up with ways to stay warm: " Do you think it would be inappropriate for me to ask the large man behind us to give me a hug?" :) So after we were able to get inside (after peeling off our layers of Lighting McQueen and Disney Princess blankets) we sat inside the conference center for another few hours. They replayed his 95th birthday celebration so that was entertaining as well as the "something's a little bit off" woman who incessantly waved her pink scarf up and down and around in a circle apparently trying to be a signal for someone. This literally went on for hours until as we were being escorted out, she found who she was looking for. Phew... close one. It was an odd feeling of being somber and joyful and a little bit inexplicable. The THOUSANDS of people wandering up and down and around the escalators made it a little surreal. We were ushered through very quickly and just like that, it was done. We were walking back to the parking lot. It wasn't life-changing and there wasn't any kind of spiritual awakening but it was a really nice experience. Just a small way to honor a man so influential and loved and who impacted me in a very personal way. We closed the evening with some chips and salsa and chocolate cake. Pretty good day.

I'm glad it is the weekend again. Molly and Jocelyn both had their birthdays this week so the girls are going to celebrate with a fabulous dinner at Red Iguana and delicious dessert at the Melting Pot followed by the late showing of the new movie, Fool's Gold.

I'm LOVING America's Best Dance Crew on MTV right now. It's pretty crazy the things these dancers can do. Check it out.

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