Wednesday, February 18, 2009

let's talk TV

i might as well change my blog title to "on the couch with fancy nancy: tales from the TV" because i pretty much reside there. sad. so sad. oh well, where to begin?...oh, i know...

1. the Bach--wth? I think i was as surprised as anyone to see Jillian go. I thought she was solid. way cute girl, down to earth, we all thought it was kind of cute how she said a-gain (Oh Canada!), the matching plaid flannel shirts in the heli, the CUTEST green and navy dress..come on, Jase. oh well, your loss. I kind of want her to be the next Bachelorette. but next time, let's nix the inappropriate hot tub make out scene. kind of grody. Molly is not my favorite but apparently there's something there. It's not that I don't like her, I just don't love her. And I still like my Texas gal, Melissa, but it's apparent she is so very young and enough with the not meeting the parents conversation. get. over. it. there's still plenty of time to meet the folks. our favorite part of the show is how all the girls would spill their hearts and profess their undying love and devotion and all he could do is stare at them for a moment and then just go in for the kiss. hilarious. every time. I'm discovering more and more factions who are as into the bachelor as we are. and the speculation of the "after the rose" special that is "so dramatic and emotionally difficult, we decided that out of respect to the parties involved, to keep the taping of tonight’s show as intimate as possible" is OOC (out of control). is someone prego? did someone die? does he bring jill back? we're all dying and the thought of waiting the next two weeks to find out is just too much!!! for an in depth and funny recap go here

2. The Biggest Loser--it was a decent episode but not as gripping as in weeks past. However, i love Tara and her drive. She's vomiting as she runs and she doesn't stop. She did fall apart a little later but overall she has pushed really hard and doesn't make excuses or whine. Ron is just a gem and it makes me sad how emotionally he wants it so bad but his body is just a train wreck...and props to all the teams who tried to help him up and down the hill. Filipe and Sione better step it up or they're going to get close to the yellow line. There were still tears--not as much as usual, but the show still gets me everytime. next week looks to be dramatic and so much so, it needs TWO episodes. the teams get a shakedown and bob loses it.

3. American Idol--total disappointment. i expect big things from the top contestants. expectations not met. first girl was a hot mess--fantastic elvis song but she ruined it and her outfit was a disaster. first guy is good--great voice but kind of boring and shy. LOVE anoop. he is such a geek but is very endearing. i also love the texas drill guy but i don't see him going very far. Danny rocked it at the end and should totally move to the next round. the rest of the girls were ho-hum and casey carlson needs to bring it down a notch. the head nods and facial moves are frightening. M and I rewinded several times to make sure we saw it right. we had to pause we were giggling so much. and the poor girl who did the taylor swift song. one of my colleagues compared her performance to a beehive/miamaid midweek talent show with an outfit from 1987. enough said. tatiana is crazy and needs to go. she wasn't as bad as I thought she would be but she's done. randy knows about four phrases (check it out, that was hot, hey dog, just wasn't good for me), i love the new judge cara and paula can go away. i find her critique painful and can't bear to listen. bless the dvr fast forward button. simon can be a jerk, but dude is spot on. contestants, if you can get past the tears and the daggars in your heart, you'd hear some words of wisdom.

1 comment:

Payne said...

Nancy, this post made me miss you. I wish I could watch AI with you! I agreed with everyting except Danny. I am not a huge fan like everyone else. All I can say is I'm glad it's Tuesday and I am really hoping to see Normand Gentle tonight! He is my fav. I also was secretly rooting for Tatiana! I'm a little embarassed about it but I truly thought she was the best vocal!