Thursday, February 12, 2009


i've been tagged a number of times on facebook and various emails so here it is: 25 randoms about yours truly...

1. i've never been to disneyland or disneyworld (the latter will be remedied in may!)

2. i was cinderella in the school play my junior year

3. i can write backwards

4. i backed out of my garage without putting the garage door up

5. i was the story lady at barnes and noble during storytime for kids

6. i've had catfish on beale street in memphis

7. i lived in the dominican republic

8. i grew up on Texas Ave.

9. i know ridiculous amounts of useless and mostly pop culture knowledge

10. i was a model for the salt lake olympic volunteer uniform

11. i won $50 in a hula hoop contest

12. i broke my ankle in a slot canyon and had to repel/hike out on it for 4 hours

13. i've lost my blackberry twice at deer valley

14. i once took a softball to the face leaving me with a great shiner for a month

15. i've always wanted to be a dancer

16. i've never been to red lobster

17. i've never seen the movies gone with the wind or it's a wonderful life

18. i don't like drinking water through a straw

19. i cuddle to my left

20. fall is my favorite season

21. i had season tickets to byu football for seven years

22. i prefer crown burger to any other burger joint in utah

23. i had perfect attendance to early morning seminary for 4 years

24. i got stuck in an elevator during a Texas tornado

25. i once sat in the trunk of my car holidng onto the lawn mower while my dad drove me to Mrs. Potter's house to mow her lawn. (i mowed lawns in high school and hated it)

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