Monday, March 9, 2009

no news is good news...but this is definitely bad news

so i realize i've been a blog slacker lately-i've even had stuff to blog about. i mean i haven't even ranted about the bachelor outcome or told you how much i love anoop on american idol. i'll eventually get to all of it but for now, i have to share some really sad news...murray didn't make it. marilyn and i were unfortunately in a pretty bad car accident over the weekend and while both of us are okay, my murray wasn't so lucky.  he was a great car and will be missed but he served me well and, most likely, saved both mom and me from serious injury and for that, i thank him. In all seriousness, we were all very blessed to have walked out of the hospital that night. I truly believe we were being watched over and tender mercies can still be found even in the midst of chaos and confusion.  And, as cliche as it sounds, seatbelts and airbags save lives so please buckle up...everytime. i could write paragraphs about the whole ordeal but i'll spare you the details.  it was awful and scary and i'd like not to do it ever again.  

RIP Murray.  December 26, 2008- March 7, 2009.

murray before

murray after


jayna said...

NANCY!!!! I heard about this from Ashley. I'm so sorry to hear! The poor car. I'm going to send you an email....

Photo By Emilie said...

Oh Nancy I'm so sorry. How scary!!! I totaled my car last year & it's awful!! I'm here for you lady & so grateful your angels were there to protect you. Love your guts!!

Natalie said...

I've been thinking about you lately. I'm so glad you're both okay!

Kevin and Leah Mitchell said...

Oh Fance, I'm so glad you're both ok--that is so scary. Poor Murray, I never got to see him. I'm glad he served you well. I've missed you since our Rio dinner.