Thursday, July 16, 2009

we leave Jesus on the sidelines

I love being on a team or part of a group and one of my all-time favorites is Team Sonic--My BYU intramural football team for two years. Attaining a BYU champ intramural t-shirt is kind of a big deal and our second year, we could taste it we were so close. but to no avail. we were defeated in the semi-finals. Team Sonic-ladies was created after our good friends Team Sonic-boys wanted to have a girls team and two of their best, Spencer and Garrett, became our loyal coaches. They were awesome and spent so much time with us running drills and learning plays. Our book consisted of sunny side up, gangsta left and the statue of liberty and all sorts of great plays. We were a good team--strong in both our running and passing game :) Football is probably one of my favorite sports still to play. I got to play with some of my dearest friends/roommates and Les even joined the team our second year as a QB. Some of my fondest memories were on those fields...a few are:
1. Katie's pants falling to her ankles as she ran to the endzone. she didn't stop and got us 6 points
2. Gina's "we'll never figure out how she managed to catch that" winning touchdown sending us to the quarter-finals
3. my only physical altercation with a girl (long story but my roommate snottily says to the girl "What would Jesus do?" to which her equally snotty response was "This is football-we leave Jesus on the sidelines")
4. catching an interception
5. playing in the snow, rain, mud, etc...

Here's a few pics--the scanner is not that great so the pics aren't that great...


Siddhartha said...

Hi Nance, I can see the essence of rejuvenation in those photos. That's it.

One T-shirt EVERYDAY $6.99 only

Jessie said...

Go Team Sonic!!! Fancy, this is an awesome post. I have video somewhere of Spencer giving us a pep talk in the huddle. And remember when i broke my nose? Man, that was so fun.

Kevin and Leah Mitchell said...

Good times. Love the highlights. I'm so glad you let me join half way through. I LOVED that! But I still feel responsible for that loss when your sister was gone. I was really bad that day. sheesh.

Dave said...


jayna said...

way to go nance!! looks like so much fun!! i love my college days experiences....

Gina and Jon said...

Oh my gosh, I totally miss it. I wish we could all go back and play for a season!

Gina and Jon said...

Oh yes and I nearly forgot about my lovely hand cast there!