Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Run. Drive. Sleep? Repeat.

21. RAGNAR RELAY-Wasatch Back
This too occurred because of my fomo and inability to say no. I agreed to run a race with 11 of my co-workers. I'm not a runner and really don't even like to run but i just couldn't pass it up. and it's not a normal race. It's an all day and all night and all day again affair run relay style. You have 12 runners, 2 vans, 36 legs. Each runner runs 3 legs, varying in length and difficulty. For example, I was runner 12 so I ran legs 12 (3.1 miles uphill), 24 (5.1 miles slightly uphill), and 36 (5.2 miles mostly downhill). I hung out in a van with 5 other peeps for about 30 hours. Crazy, huh? I loved every second of it and would do it again no question.

Everyone gets really into it and you have team names and themes and some wear costumes and you decorate your vans, etc... We came up with a play on words for what our firm does and we were the LEVERAGED SELL-OUTS. We thought we were so clever until it dawned on us that no one else would get it. Next year we'll be something more universal like "Queens of Sole" or "Running on Empty". Anyway, our theme was money and we all had bling dollar sign chains and we put fake money all over the van. The race was long and difficult, but I finished. we all finished. I wasn't "that girl". Well, kind of. I was the slowest but I crossed the finish line and that is all that mattered.

decorating the van

hanging out in the van

$17 well spent
(the disney fan/spray bottle came in handy but the foam blades didn't last too long)

my first run. i'm about 14 seconds in and i remember wanting to be done

halfway there...

finally...the hand-off

middle of the night

chasing down Josh with water. it was so dark i didn't know it was him until he ran by

what was left of our antenna mascot

i was trying to motivate wendi through dance. aren't i graceful?
the finish line!

yeah, we're done!

The Leveraged Sell-Outs


Jenny N said...

well, that's just crazy!

Bentley said...

Congratulations and well done. I remember when I was out there in February and you were just starting the training. Way to go!