Thursday, July 23, 2009

so i can't count

well it turns out that when i started this whole project there were actually 24 days until my birthday, not 22. eventually i'll go back through and renumber the other 3.

Dear Mom and Dad, I used to sneak out of the house. I’d come home, park the car, close the garage, say goodnight and then walk right out the front or sliding glass door. You might have known this but just in case you didn’t…..

1. to shoe polish cars—we had already graduated but it was the night before the senior class (the year below us) was to start their senior year. We didn’t care for many of the girls in that class so we decided to go shoe polish their cars. What we didn’t know is that they had already done so but all cute-like and in school colors. I hate that we were so mean, but we blacked out every single one of their windows. this took most of the night and i think in all there were about 12-14 cars. I know that was super awful but we thought we were so cool at the time. Ugh-I even feel guilty as I type this out….

nothing celebrates criminal activity more than a photo op at the port-a-potty

a line from "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun"

2. to take out Megan’s mom’s convertible in the middle of a unseasonably cold December. We ended up busting the convertible top—the back window shattered halfway putting the top down. I had to lay across it driving home just so that Megan could see. Again, not one of our finest moments. If I remember correctly, there was some prank calling on my mom’s brick of a cell phone to a party down the street.
4 of the scariest, white, middle-class, teenage girls you'll ever find :)
there are no words

3. to help Jenny with her paper route—due to the greatness that was IM in it’s early days, Jenny, Jerod, Boyd and I decided to go help Jen with her paper route at 3 AM. Hilarious. We also saw a domestic dispute at the IHOP. We decided a meal was in order after we were done.

yes, mom. that was your car

waco tribune, anyone?

4. after graduation—there was another poor soul we didn’t care for and we decided to toilet paper her house (side note: Marilyn worked for Kimberly Clark—a company that makes paper products such as Kleenex, Cottonelle, Kotex, etc…so we had ample supply of that kind of stuff) why were we so mean??

the finest that the class of '97 had to offer
those are exactly what you think they are

5. to go to Good Morning America in Austin—I still remember Jenny tapping on the sliding glass door in the middle of the night—scared me half to death. She wanted to know if I wanted to come with her and Boyd to the taping of GMA at the University of Texas campus. I thought sure, why not. I left a note on the kitchen table that said “spent the night at Jenny’s” so marilyn wouldn’t worry when I was nowhere to be found. It was a torrential downpour the whole way there. Boyd’s winsdshield wiper was busted but due to a paperclip and some dental floss, we were able to fix it. Must have been all those years I watched MacGyver. Thank you Richard Dean Anderson

6. there were a few others—we pushed dad’s car (we called it the velveteen rabbit. It was a silver Chrysler 5th avenue that had red velvet interior) out the driveway, pushed it down the street and started it so that my parents didn’t hear it to go pick up the video at Julie’s house of our senior party earlier that day. (shout out to Jen who sent me these pics after I posted. so glad you had these--didn't even remember that they existed :)

We were kind of mean but at least I wasn’t drinking, doing drugs or getting pregnant. It could have been worse. I turned out just fine.

Love, nancy


Jenny N said...

oh man, I never realized how often the sneaking out occurred until you listed it all in one place.

That is some funny stuff. Boyd on a paper route, the need to dress up and pose in a portapotty while out shoepolishing...

Good grief...thank goodness we documented it all.

Jenny N said...

please note your broken glasses in that last pic.k