Wednesday, July 16, 2008


I love being spontaneous-just letting my days and evenings evolve. It doesn't always work and it doesn't always happen, but when it does happen and when it does work, it's the best! My last two Saturdays have been a little like that. It all kicked off with a small-town date for the Oakley Rodeo on the 4th with my friend Jordan and then the adventures began. I woke up the next morning to go golfing (please notice the ball still on the ground in one pic. not a practic swing)with some friends, which turned into going to the batting cages, which turned into going to the pool, which turned into getting a yummy dinner with a friend, which turned into gabbing the night away while making cake pops, (so DELICIOSO!) which turned into going on a mission to pass out said cake-pops to various friends the next night, which turned into staying up late listening to a christmas album and celebrity-morphing our pictures. What? I LOVED it. The only thing planned was golf and the weekend took off from there. Fast forward to this past weekend. The only thing on the agenda was the Journey concert on Friday night. Then it turned into staying up super late chit chatting with new friends which turned into getting up at 5 AM to go up the canyon to the lake to wakeboard (which was FREEZING!), which turned into having our favorite lunch back in the valley, which turned into going to some friends' softball game, which turned into going to the pool, which turned into going to the Bees Baseball game, which turned into planning my Sunday School lesson at Jocelyn's house while another batch of cake-pops was being made. Two great weekends in a row. I hope they keep on coming.

1 comment:

Jenny N said...

dang I need to get a life!