Monday, December 15, 2008

10 days until Christmas

wow. I'm not quite sure what has happened the last few weeks but I'm now just able to catch my breath. It's just been nonstop ever since I got back from Texas. Thanksgiving was great-the whole gang was there. The Johnsons are all about food and football so Thanksgiving is definitely our gig. I can't believe there are only 10 days left until Christmas. I've got a lot of shopping to do. The only thing I've purchased is Hello Kitty slippers for my two nieces....and me. I've got really small feet and there was a pair that fit me :) My work party, which was a Griswold Family Christmas, went really well and I was very pleased with how it turned out. The photo booth, moose mugs and ugly sweaters were a big hit. I'm doing the Messiah gospel choir again and have had a number of rehearsals and performances which I L-O-V-E. Our director, B Murphy, is one of the coolest people and just a bright light to those around him. It's not a way of praise I'm used to but inspiring just the same. My eyes have been opened to another way of worhip and it has been such a good time for me. I also had a little black and white soiree with some friends over the weekend and had a great time. It had snowed all day so outside was really pretty and the home we were in was gorgeous. We ate and played games, ate some more, etc.....and a big thanks to Marilyn for making the miniature stockings. Who knew mini black velvet stockings are nowhere to be found :) Now I've just got one more performance of the Messiah tonight and the Christmas Carol play with Molly tomorrow and that will be about it until the fam gets here for a Lehi Family Christmas :)

B Murphy and the Messiah Community Gospel Choir

the entire gang at the black & white soiree

Spencer scored an itunes card at the white elephant

Mormon champagne-a little martinelli's to conclude the evening

Kim's loot at the white elephant. a number of cat and dog books.


M and B
and the stockings were hung by the chimney with care

this clearly says santa claus is coming to town

BP-"Clark, the lights aren't twinkling"

Kim saving the decorations

J and M

J got Budweiser boxers, Stetson, and wife beaters. Merry Christmas West Valley

Joe Jonas pinup-complete with purity ring

i heart Taylor Swift

the fellas

the ladies

M and his new Santa PJs

I don't think M is so sure about this Santa Claus thing...

1 comment:

Jenny N said...

he's looking a lot like a cute!