Monday, May 5, 2008


so in my little cave (it's a basement apartment--but in its defense--all the rooms have windows--it's not completely subterraneous) i often get little spiders. I've come to accept that they are just a part of my little house. And it's not like the place is crawling with them, but I probably see one about once a week. They are generally a fairly small size--between a nickel and a quarter and they don't even scare me anymore. Sometimes I'm even lazy enough to not get up and find a shoe. However, Sunday night, out of the corner of my eye I see this thing scurrying down my stark white wall and into my fireplace and I jumped: the thing was huge. the pic does not do it justice. Luckily within my grasp was my camera and a flip-flop. I don't mind an eight-elegged friend every once in a while but this one's time was up. happy cinco de mayo everyone.

1 comment:

Gina and Jon said...

That thing is huge.. ahh I hate spiders.