Wednesday, September 30, 2009

action man

matt's sweet Grandma sent a pacakge for M including a pair of underpants for a 4 year old. I got the biggest kick out of them and made Lesley let me put them on him. He was Action Man.

Also, M LOVES, LOVES electronics--anything with buttons, noises, lights. He always wants your blackberry, iphone, camera, etc...but computers are his favorite. Matt and I both have the same white Mac and when either of us flips it open and turns it on, M will stop, put down anything he's got and immediately come over to see what is on the screen and how many buttons he can push. It's like the on sound is a homing beacon--the mothership calling to him. :) Well, Les dug out Matt's old laptop and the kid was in heaven. We just might have the next Steve Jobs on our hands....

I could have used an action man last night. I'm sitting on the couch watching TV when something started buzzing and flying about my head. It was a hornet!! How did a hornet get in? I don't know. but i freaked. I shot off the couch running back and forth between the kitchen and living room until i could see it again convinced this thing was either on me or in my hair. i attempted to kill it a few times which only angered it, forcing me to repeat the kitchen/living room dance. i'm not sure why i thought high knees were necessary to get away but.... it finally landed on my ceiling and since my little house has ceilings made for 5 ft individuals, me and my grey wedge were victorious.

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