Wednesday, July 29, 2009

swing, batter batter

17. SOFTBALL: Marilyn put me in tee-ball at a local family center when i was 5. i played in jeans and keds which i thought was fine at the time but now i realize all the other girls had white baseball pants and baseball belts and baseball socks and cleats. I'd like to blame my slightly above mediocre softball performance of today to lack of gear when i was younger :) I remember picking flowers in the outfield with Meg Harris (like any 5 year old girl could really hit it to the outfield) and also running to first base, my helmet falling off, going back to get the helmet, and then running to base and still was safe! After t-ball, i played a few years in little league-VFW the first year and Flicks (local video store) the next year. I can't remember if Flicks was my last year playing but it might have been. I've always really enjoyed playing and being a part of a team, but I never really became a star player. At BYU, I played a few intramural years, then a few church leagues and a city league the last 3 years. I'm most comfortable with catcher but like 2nd base as well. We all know I'm a little accident prone so I included some pics of softball injuries. 3rd Base (my current team) had a double-header last night and I meant to get a team photo but I'll get it next week and post it then.

i still stand like this when i bat

i'm second from the left, back row with the ill-fitted hat that appears to be bigger than everyone else's.

look for the blue glove--i wanted one to match my jersey :)
biggest bruise i ever had--took one in the leg running from left field to catch a ball

took one to the face covering second base on a wicked hop. the right side of my face appeared to be falling off for a few weeks

i loved being in the grocery and getting those sympathetic looks from the ladies that said "you can leave him--let me help you"
my birthday was a few days after the incident. my birthday card was a signed softball from my friends accompanied with black and blue balloons

3rd Base-Season 2


Jenny N said...

I think you need to refrain from strenuous physical activity. You seem to attract injury when participating...

Jocelyn said...

I LOVE THIS POST!!! and you totally still stand like that when you're hitting :)